General Guidelines

Please note that Powders Press exclusively platforms queer writing from LGBTQIA+ writers only. We will automatically reject any work which promotes racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, and any other form of prejudice. Whilst work can involve sexual elements we don’t publish erotica nor will we publish writing with gratuitous violence. We can not consider submissions that do not adhere to our guidelines so please read the following carefully before submitting.  

Submissions are currently **CLOSED** 

Submit to only one category per submission window. Submissions received after deadlines will not be considered and will receive an automatic rejection. For issue-specific deadlines and the current theme please see below.

Our editor runs Powders Press in their own time so we kindly ask for your patience as they read through submissions. You will receive an auto acknowledgment after submitting your work and we aim to respond to all writers within one month of submissions closing.

Thank you for your interest in Powders Press.